
We bet there's a whole lot of diddly cool out there in the world but would you trade the brightest of rainbows, a scoop of your favourite ice cream avec sprinkles on a hot summer day or a funny text message that saves you from a yawn inducing work meeting, for anything? Hard to replace these pure unadulterated moments of joy, right? That is exactly how we at Quirky Zebra want you to feel. When you slip into our clothes or decorate your spaces with our bits and bobs, we want you to feel nothing but bliss so that you can be your unabashed, unfiltered self.

Quirky Zebra is home to your mind, a space for products that represent who you are and what you feel. Dress to impress? nah, at QZ we believe in dress to 'express'. Wear your mind and your mood for life’s too short to not be unequivocally you. Find products that shout your personality. From your favourite movie quotes to the meme of the year-add to cart because it’s close to your heart. Simply put, Quirky Zebra celebrates your whimsy, your can dour and your love for things that are too darn cute. A curated zone for everyone that’s been looking for a brand that’s not just stylish but also relatable. Our mission at Quirky Zebra is to make you feel understood and celebrated. So hop on board matey and enjoy the ride as Mr. Zebra wants you to have a swell time!